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  Strip # 147 - Dashiell Hammet
(Monday August 21, 2006)

Last strip: #168 (Monday May 21, 2007)
Local time: Saturday July 27, 2024 14:39:47 UTC

The Botmaker  
Strip #147 - Dashiell Hammet
Due to not having enough free time, the site is on an indefinite hiatus.

Please help Children's Hospitals.
Visit Child's Play Charity if you're so inclined.
Tuesday August 22, 2006
        I've added an RSS Feed for the webcomic. If any of you is using an aggregator program, you can add it so that you're notified of new strips when they go online.

The URL of the feed is and it is a valid RSS 2.0 XML document. The PHP extension is not an error, the file is still RSS 2.0 with the correct XML header. So your aggregator should just seamlessly eat it up.

The feed contains the last five strips, sorted from newest to oldest, and is automatically updated whenever a new strip is posted on the site. I hope you find this helpful to you. Please, don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail or post a comment regarding the feed.

All content © 2001-2006 Daniel Julivert
All rights reserved
Library of rain