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  Strip # 129 - Squatters - Lied to me
(Monday April 3, 2006)

Last strip: #168 (Monday May 21, 2007)
Local time: Saturday July 27, 2024 06:45:51 UTC

The Botmaker  
Strip #129 - Lied to me
Due to not having enough free time, the site is on an indefinite hiatus.

Please help Children's Hospitals.
Visit Child's Play Charity if you're so inclined.
Friday April 7, 2006
        You'll probably have noticed there's now a Donate through PayPal button on the lower left corner of the main page. This is a big issue for me, and I've given it much thought.

I've been thinking for a while about wether I should put such a button on the site or not. On one hand, I need the money. Also, I put a lot of effort on the webcomic. On the other hand, I'm by no means a professional, nor do I intend to be one. I don't have the quality, the quantity or the intention to qualify as a professional cartoonist. Mainly, I don't have the talent. =P

So these issues have been going on in my mind for a while. I have finally decided to put the button on the site, mainly because my financial situation is not great and I'd welcome some extra money.

I hope none of you takes this as me implying I'm a professional now. Also, it doesn't mean I'll start charging for the strip. I won't. I won't charge for it in the future either. This is just what the button says: a donation. If you feel like giving some money, I'm willing to accept it. That's all. No obligation for you.

All content © 2001-2006 Daniel Julivert
All rights reserved
Library of rain